/Imagine Prompt

The /imagine prompt project is a groundbreaking feature film that explores the power of artificial intelligence in creating visual narratives, opening up new possibilities for cinema and art. Using generative AI technologies, the film transforms textual descriptions into stunning images, revealing dreamlike landscapes, vibrant characters and impossible scenarios, Read more…

Museum of Black Memory in IA

The AI Museum of Black Memory is an innovative project that uses generative artificial intelligence to visually recreate important moments in Afro-Brazilian history that have no pictorial record. Combining cutting-edge technology and detailed historical research, the project transforms textual and oral descriptions into photorealistic images, rescuing cultural memories Read more…

Griot AI

Griô AI is an innovative project by mobCONTENT that combines technology, education and culture to explore the life of Mohammed Gardo Baquaqua, a historical figure of the African diaspora in Brazil. Using generative artificial intelligence and interactive storytelling, the project recreates significant scenes and moments from Baquaqua's trajectory, offering Read more…

Cineclube RV

RV Film Club

mobCONTENT, a company specializing in audiovisual creation on innovative platforms, will hold on June 2nd, at Olabi, a film club dedicated only to audiovisual works supported by virtual reality, with the help of an Oculus Rift and two Google Cardboards. The event aims to stimulate discussion on Read more…

Mão segurando um celular usando um aplicativo

Application of the Transcarioca Trail in Sustainability

Application developed in partnership with Etrilhas for International Conservation and Associação Trilha Transcarioca.

Users will be able to become guardians of the trail and help in the conservation of the sections, when detecting something important, such as a fallen tree, the sighting of a wild animal, a fallen sign and even security issues, mark it in the application, detailing the geographic coordinates, date and time of occurrence, and even register with a photo.

Ilustração de uma cidade

Entrepreneurial Cities Interactive Game

The Cidades Empreendedoras webgame was developed together with Sebrae RJ and creates a visual gamification platform to encourage the adoption of good practices in public management.
The game is completely online and can be accessed from any internet browser, without the need to install additional software. The gameplay is simple and intuitive, allowing anyone to play and learn about entrepreneurship, even without prior knowledge in the area.

Computador e celulares com telas de aplicativo

Etrilhas sustainability application

Product developed in partnership with the company Etrilhas. A platform involving an iOS and Android application, a website and an augmented reality application, Etrilhas lists the main Brazilian natural trails with curated and accurate content. eTrilhas is a digital platform that aims to provide information about ecological trails in Brazil and promote ecotourism in a sustainable way.

Mão segurando garrafa de vidro em cima de uma tábua de corte com instrumentos

TV Series – Garage Maker

Garagem Maker is a series of interprograms about the do-it-yourself universe. Exploring the full potential of the maker culture, it emphasizes simple resolution solutions, evidencing the accomplishment power of the common citizen. With a focus on solving everyday problems and creating creative projects, objects are made using commonly available resources and materials and the use of simple technology.

Homem de óculos de sol em frente a uma bicicleta em uma lagoa

Urban mobility TV series – Canal Curta

Series of 13 episodes of 15 minutes each about urban mobility, cycling and lifestyle. Aired by Canal Curta.

Bike Amor is about cycling and lifestyle. The episodes portray people who had their lives changed in some way by this means of transportation, leisure and culture.

Pessoas com instrumentos musicais em frente a uma parede com um grande grafitti

Show Mambembe

TV series for Canal Futura, with 13 episodes of 26 minutes each.

The street as a stage. Music as part of the city. A narrative built from the relationship between an artist, a place and its songs: this is Show Mambembe. With each program, a musical intervention is made in a specific point of a city, which allows us to circulate, in an organic way, through different themes and musical genres.

Ilustração de homem tocando violão

Unreleased, Dispersed and Animated

“Inéditas, Dispersas e Animadas” is a series of animation interprograms whose raw material is audio testimonies of great characters of Brazilian culture that have never been properly explored in an audiovisual language.
The series recreates and spreads our cultural memory in an attractive and accessible way for all generations.

Mulher apontando para projeção

Invading the Brain

Invading the Brain is a 12-minute documentary produced for Canal Futura.

“Invadando o Cérebro” portrays the trend of appropriation of neuroscience knowledge by independent entrepreneurs through equipment and platforms that capture brain waves at low cost.
