The Montaña Limpia application aims to promote sustainability through technology. Produced for the Access Panama , a US company, in partnership with and trails, aims to help garbage collection in mountains throughout Latin America. The application it has a tool for creating groups to collect and store offline information.

Montaña Limpia is a mobile application designed to help preserve the environment in mountainous regions. It was created with the aim of connecting mountaineers, tourists and locals who want to contribute to the preservation of the mountains and reduce pollution caused by the waste left behind and promote sustainability.

From a technical point of view, the Montaña Limpia application is built with modern technologies, such as programming languages like React, as well as tools like Firebase for user authentication, cloud data storage and usage analysis.

The app is compatible with both iOS and Android operating systems, which makes it accessible to a wide range of users. It utilizes features like GPS to allow users to mark the areas they have cleaned for other users to see.

In addition, Montaña Limpia also has a notification functionality that informs users about events related to mountain preservation, such as cleaning campaigns, awareness actions and other important initiatives.

Another interesting feature of the app is gamification. It allows users to accumulate points as they participate in cleanup campaigns and take positive actions to preserve the environment. This encourages engagement and makes the user experience more enjoyable.


Application produced for AccesoPanam in partnership with Etrilhas in order to assist garbage collection in mountains. The application has a tool for creating offline information collection and storage groups.

