The Museu do Amanhã app is a quick guide to all museum activities. Its function is to plan the visit, see a calendar of events and exhibitions and share all this with friends and family.

The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which explores the theme of sustainability and the future of humanity. The Museum of Tomorrow application is a complementary tool for visiting the museum, which provides additional information about the exhibitions and activities on site, as well as interactive and educational resources.

The application has an innovative integration feature with beacons, in which specific contents are activated according to the user's position in the Museum. It also has audio guides for visitation.

Beacons are small hardware devices that emit low energy (Bluetooth Low Energy) radio signals to nearby mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The function of beacons in a mobile application is to allow communication between the mobile device and the surrounding environment, providing relevant and personalized information to the user based on their location.

For example, if you are in a retail store that uses beacons, the application can receive signals from nearby beacons and provide information about products, promotions or special offers based on your location within the store. Likewise, at a museum or theme park, the app can provide you with detailed information about specific exhibits, attractions and events based on your location.

Beacons are also widely used to track users' location and collect behavioral data, such as time spent in a certain area or frequency of visits. This data may be used to improve the user experience, as well as for analytics and marketing purposes.

The application was one of the nominees for the award Hi TelaViva Mobile in the internet of things category in 2016. Application developed for the Roberto Marinho Foundation.
The developed version has been discontinued and is no longer published in stores.
